Frequently Asked Questions - Employee & Dependent Scholarship

First time user or have a question? First check our list of FAQs.
Updated: June 27, 2019

Questions about using the system

My spouse/dependent is showing that they have "no student record in NESIS". What does that mean?
My dependent has not yet been admitted/enrolled. Can I still allocate the credits?
What is the maximum number of credits I can allocate?
I allocated more credit hours than I registered for. Will I lose these hours?
What is the deadline to allocate credits for a term?
When do the new hours for each year start - Summer or Fall?
I've allocated credits for a term. What happens next?
How secure is this site?
I need further assistance. Who do I contact?

Questions about my information

My spouse/dependent information is not complete. Who do I contact?
Where does the spouse/dependent information come from?
What if my spouse/dependent is not covered by the University's health care benefit but I want to use the employee scholarship benefit?
I've corrected my information through Human Resources but it has not yet been updated on the web site. What do I do now?

Questions about the Employee/Dependent Scholarship Program

Who qualifies for the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program?
What costs are covered?
Is there a tax liability for using this benefit?
What courses will the scholarship cover?
What about other scholarships and financial aid?
What if both spouses are employed at the University?
Do the employees, spouses and dependents have to attend the employee's home campus?
What if I enroll for a class that interferes with my work schedule?
Where can I read the approved policy for the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program?
Are there different guidelines for signing up for summer session classes than the academic school year?
What are some of the limitations of the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program?
What are the refund and credit rules for dropped classes?



My spouse/dependent is showing that they have "no student record in NeSIS". What does that mean?

This could mean one of two things:

  1. They have not applied for admissions at the NU institution they are planning on attending.
    Once an application is submitted, you should be able to allocate credits within 24 hours.
  2. There is a mis-match on their SSN and/or birthdate between SAP and NeSIS (Student Information System).
    Contact your Human Resources office to update the information.


My dependent has not yet been admitted/enrolled. Can I still allocate the credits?

No. Your dependent must have applied for admissions at the NU institution he/she is attending. Within 24 hours after the application has been entered into our student information system (NeSIS) you can allocate credits to your dependent. Please keep in mind that if you do so and your dependent is not admitted or decides not to attend, it is your responsibility to remove those previously allocated credits.


What is the maximum number of credits I can allocate?

You can allocate a maximum of 15 credit hours per academic year (August through July beginning with the Fall Semester) to yourself, your spouse, and dependents. Employees are limited to no more than six credit hours per term and each dependent is limited to no more than nine credit hours per term.


I allocated more credit hours than I registered for. Will I lose these hours?

It is your responsibility to maintain the number of credit hours you wish to allocate through the web site. If you allocate more credit hours than you use, you will need to update the allocation using the web site.


What is the deadline to allocate credits for a term?

You can allocate/adjust credits through the sixth day of the term, based on the campus in which you are allocating credits.


When do the new hours for each year start - Summer or Fall?

New hours start with the Fall semester (the start of the academic year).


I've allocated credits for a term. What happens next?

The number of credit hours that you allocated will be sent to the campus indicated. If you or your dependent meet the eligibility requirements, terms and conditions, then the tuition remission credit will be reflected on the bill you receive from that campus. For more information on the eligibility requirements, terms and conditions of the program, click here.



How secure is this site?

This site runs on a secure server, which means the information being passed is encrypted. In addition to this, no SSNs are displayed on any of the pages.



I need further assistance. Who do I contact?

You should contact the Human Resources Department for your home campus:

University of Nebraska-Lincoln407 Canfield Administration Building(402) 472-3101
University of Nebraska at Kearney 1200 Warner Hall (308) 865-8888
University of Nebraska Medical Center 2015 Administration Center (402) 559-4391 or (402) 559-4216
University of Nebraska Omaha 205 Epply Administration Building(402) 554-3660 or (402) 554-2465
University of Nebraska Central Administration 217 Varner Hall (402) 472-5258


My spouse/dependent information is not complete. Who do I contact?

You should contact your campus Human Resources Department.


Where does the spouse/dependent information come from?

This information is based on human resource records. If your spouse/dependents are covered by the University's health care benefit, the information will automatically be displayed. If the information is not on record, or is not complete (no birthdate or social security number), then you will need to contact your Human Resources/Benefits department to add the information.


What if my spouse and/or dependent is not covered by the University's health care benefit but I want to use the employee scholarship benefit?

If your spouse and/or dependents are not covered by the University's health care benefit, they may not show on the Employee Scholarhip page. To utilize the employee scholarship benefit, complete the Dependent Information Request Form and return it to your campus Human Resources Department.


I've corrected my information through Human Resources but it has not yet been updated on the web site. What do I do now?

If it has been over twenty-four hours since you made the change, please contact your campus Human Resource Department again.



Who qualifies for the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program?

Regular full-time (1.00 FTE) employees are eligible for the program; a regular full-time employee's spouse as recognized by the laws of the State of Nebraska; and any dependent that is a naturally born child, legally adopted child, stepchild, or ward of an employee who a) is unmarried and under 24 years of age, and b) is chiefly dependent on the employee for support (claimed as a dependent for tax purposes). Also, a dependent must be registered as a full-time student. (Documentation may be required to verify dependent status.) A spouse does not need to be a full-time student to qualify for this benefit.


What costs are covered?

As stated in the Board of Regents Policy, the University of Nebraska Employee Scholarship Program will provide tuition equal to the University's resident tuition charge per semester credit hour. However, it is possible that an employee, or spouse, or dependent may be admitted to the University as a nonresident for tuition purposes. If so, they should contact the Admissions Office of the campus they are admitted to, requesting a residency application form, by the first day of classes. Otherwise they will be assessed nonresident tuition but the scholarship program will only provide credit for the resident portion of tuition and they will be liable for payment of the difference.

The only fee that is waived is the University Program and Facilities Fee (UPFF) and it is waived only for the employee. Spouses and dependents are required to pay UPFF. In addition, the employee, spouse and dependent are required to pay the Registration fee, all course/lab fees, Technology fees, and Professional fees that are assessed due to course enrollment.

To see a list of fees, please visit the link below for the campus the student is attending:

University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Nebraska Omaha



Is there a tax liability for using this benefit?

As of January 1, 2002, no classes, albeit undergraduate or graduate, can be considered taxable income.



What courses will the scholarship cover?

The scholarship program may be applied for all undergraduate and graduate courses for which the employee enrolls. However, coverage for the spouse and dependents is limited to undergraduate courses, and the dependents must have full-time enrollment status.



What about other scholarships and financial aid?

Like other scholarships and financial aid, the program is to help assist people with the cost of tuition. If an employee, spouse, or dependent were to receive a scholarship that covers the entire cost of tuition, then this particular scholarship may not be needed. However, if an employee, spouse, or dependent were to receive a scholarship that only covered a portion of tuition, this program will pay the difference. Housing costs are not covered. Contact the Financial Aid Office of the attending institution for further information.



What if both spouses are employed at the University?

If both spouses are full-time employees at the University, they may both transfer 15 credit hours per academic year to their eligible dependent(s) for a total of 30 credit hours per academic year.

Starting with the spring 2003 semester, when both parents are full-time employees of the University, each parent may transfer to an eligible dependent up to nine (9) credit hours in any one semester, not to exceed fifteen (15) credit hours per parent per year (August through July).



Do employees, spouses, and dependents have to attend the employee's home campus?

No, an employee, spouse, and/or dependent can attend any campus of the University of Nebraska.


What if I enroll for a class that interferes with my work schedule?

You will need to receive permission from your supervisor to take classes during your work time. Time taken off to attend classes can be taken as vacation leave or with supervisory approval, your work schedule can be rearranged.



Where can I find the approved policy for the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program?

You can find the approved policy at



Are there different guidelines for signing up for summer session classes than the academic school year?

In order for dependents to be eligible to use the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program for summer sessions, they must have been enrolled full time in the University of Nebraska system in the preceding spring semester.



What are some of the limitations of the Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program?

Employees must be in pay status as a regular employee on the first day of classes to be eligible for the Employee/ Dependent Scholarship Program. Employees on an unpaid leave of absence are not eligible. Employees separating or changing employment status to less than full time within 30 calendar days after the beginning of class (including summer) lose eligibility and will be billed for the full tuition.

The Employee and Dependent Scholarship Program will pay resident tuition for a maximum of 15 credit hours during a 12-month period (August through July). If you have not established Nebraska residency through the Admissions Office, you will be billed for the difference in resident and non-resident tuition.

Non-attendance at a class does not constitute an official drop. The student must process a drop/ withdrawal request



What are the refund and credit rules for dropped classes?

To verify the exact drop dates for the refund schedule, please contact the Registration and Records Office.


Classes dropped within the 100% refund period

If an employee and/or spouse goes through the official drop procedures within the 100% refund period, the allocated scholarship hours will be eligible for re-use that academic year. They need to notify Human Resources when dropping a course in order to be credited. If classes are dropped after the 100% refund period, then the allocated scholarship hours will not be eligible for re-use that academic year.

As for dependent children, if you go through official drop procedures within the 100% refund period AND as a result you no longer meet the Employee and Dependent Scholarship requirements of a full-time student, you will be billed for the full tuition of the remaining courses. The student's scholarship hours will be eligible for re-use that academic year. Employees must notify Human Resources when dropping a course in order to be credited.

Example: A student is taking 12 credit hours; 6 are scholarship credit hours (free) and 6 are full tuition. If they drop 1 class or 3 credit hours they are no longer a full time student so full tuition will be billed for all 9 hours and the 6 scholarship credits are returned for re-use that academic year.

If you go through official drop procedures within seven days after classes start AND remain a full-time student, students receive 100% of their tuition dollars but do not receive scholarship hours credited for re-use.

Example: A student is taking 18 credit hours; 6 are scholarship credit hours (free) and 12 are full tuition. If they drop 2 classes or 6 credit hours they remain a full time student so full tuition will be billed for 6 hours and the other 6 are scholarship credit hours. The student is refunded the tuition dollars for the two classes they dropped.


75% refund period, 50% refund period, and 25% refund period

If you go through official drop procedures within the 75%, 50% or 25% refund period the same rules apply as above in the 100% refund period except your tuition dollar refund is 75%, 50% or 25% depending on the official drop date.

After the fourth week of classes

Students are not eligible for a refund on their tuition, after the fourth week of classes; however, if you go through official drop procedures and as a result you no longer meet the requirements as a full-time student you will not have to forfeit your employee/ dependent scholarship and you will not be billed the full tuition for the hours covered by your scholarship.

Example: A student is taking 12 credit hours; 6 are scholarship credit hours (free) and 6 are full tuition. If they drop 1 class or 3 credit hours they are no longer a full time student but because they have paid full tuition for 12 credit hours they will not be billed for the 6 employee/ dependent scholarship credits.
